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Know your options
for your future.

Arizona’s Education Savings Plan offers a variety of investment choices including both Investment Portfolios and Mutual Funds. The Arizona 529 Plan offers savings options to meet your specific investment style and risk tolerance through a direct to consumer sold program and a financial advisor-sold program.

Know your options for your future.

Arizona’s Education Savings Plan offers a variety of investment choices including both Investment Portfolios and Mutual Funds. The Arizona 529 Plan offers savings options to meet your specific investment style and risk tolerance through two direct to consumer sold programs and one financial advisor-sold program.

What is a Direct-Sold Program?

Direct-Sold programs offer families the option to enroll in a 529 Plan directly, without going through a financial advisor. The Arizona 529 Plan’s direct-sold programs include Fidelity Investments and College Savings Bank. Families can easily enroll online or have a representative answer their questions and walk them through the process by phone.

What is an Advisor-Sold Program?

Advisor-Sold programs offer families the option to work one-on-one with a financial advisor to plan an individualized investment strategy. The Goldman Sachs 529 Plan is Arizona’s advisor-sold program.

What is a Mutual Fund?

A mutual fund is a grouping of stocks, bonds, cash investments or a combination of these options in which individuals hold shares. Mutual funds are professionally managed by a fund manager or managers.

One state
plan, two
great choices.

Arizona’s Education Savings Plan currently offers an array of investment choices to meet your specific investment style and risk tolerance through a direct-sold program provider and a advisor-sold program provider.

One state plan, three great choices.

Arizona’s Education Savings Plan currently offers an array of investment choices to meet your specific investment style and risk tolerance through two distinct direct-sold program providers and one advisor-sold program provider.

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